Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Andrew Shulman, Master of Engineering Senior Lecturer
Learn about the skills and techniques taught in the MENG 404: Math Fundamentals for AI Engineers and Data Scientists course from the instructor, Dr. Andrew Shulman.
Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Andrew Shulman, Master of Engineering Senior Lecturer Heading link

Meet Dr. Andrew Shulman, University of Illinois Chicago’s Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science for the College of Engineering. He has been teaching at the University since 2011 where he received his PhD in Mathematics in the area of number theory.
Dr. Shulman recently helped to develop the MENG 404 Math Fundamentals for AI Engineers and Data Scientists course for the Online Master of Engineering with a focus area in AI and Machine Learning. He touches on what students can expect in this online course and the benefits of being introduced to new techniques and programs, as well as the refresh they’ll receive on past topics from their undergraduate courses.
What engineering and math skills do students learn in Master of Engineering (MEng) 404, and how are those skills applied in the workforce?
In MEng 404, students will recall mathematical material from calculus, linear algebra, and probability and statistics. They will also learn new techniques for optimization and will be introduced to some basic machine learning algorithms. We will use Python as the programming language for our software implementations, which has become an industry standard in terms of machine learning.
How is Python applied and mastered in your class?
In the eight weeks of MEng 404, we will have a programming assignment in five of the weeks. The assignment is meant to introduce topics from the week in a programming setting as well as become more comfortable with Python. We will use the NumPy module of Python which helps speed up calculations with large amounts of data. Students are introduced to PyTorch in the final week of the course which is a module they will see in future MEng courses.
Why is it important for students to take the MEng 404 course?
MEng 404 sets the stage, mathematically, for material to come in their other courses. For students who have not taken a math class in some time, this course refreshes them on only the topics that they need. It does not provide an extensive treatment of every undergraduate math class, but rather is selective in the topics it covers with an eye only on those needed for future MEng courses.
What do you like most about teaching online courses and interacting with student online?
I enjoy the flexibility afforded to students in an online environment. They have the ability to study at their own pace each week. This environment is especially suitable for the working adult.
The 100% Online Master of Engineering with a focus area in AI and Machine Learning program is designed to meet the career aspirations of talented, highly qualified students who want to build on their knowledge of engineering, computer science, math or other sciences, and take their careers to the next level. Our team of instructors and advisors are dedicated to helping you achieve your professional and personal goals.
To speak with an enrollment specialist and learn more about the program, click here to request information.