What level of Python knowledge do I need for UIC’s online Master of Engineering program?
Prior knowledge of Python, a high-level, general-purpose programming language, is essential for students embarking on the online AI and ML program
What level of Python knowledge do I need for UIC’s online Master of Engineering program? Heading link

Many engineers use Python which is a high-level, general purpose programming language to automate processes. As one of the top programming languages in the world, learning Python can open doors to various career opportunities and transition engineers into more specialized roles, such as a machine learning engineer.
Individuals interested in UIC’s online Master of Engineering (MEng) with a focus area in AI and Machine Learning program need to have a basic understanding of Python before submitting their application to enroll.
“Students need an introductory level to Python prior to starting or being admitted to the program,” said Dr. Carmen Lilley, PhD. “Students should not start the program without any programming experience.”
When Dr. Lilley admits students, she makes sure they don’t have any gaps in their transcript. She will often put a student’s application on hold till they’ve shown that they have taken “X, Y, and Z,” which she said is usually a math course, like a calculus 2 or statistics, and a programming language course. Students can enroll for their missing math courses at a community college or take an online programming course through Coursera prior to submitting their application to enroll.
Teaching MENG 404 Math Fundamentals for AI Engineers and Data Scientists, a prerequisite for the CS 412: Intro to Machine Learning course, Dr. Andrew Shulman, PhD, says students need to know how to create and run a Python file, and know the basic syntax for Python.
“We [the Master of Engineering (MEng) faculty] assume our students are familiar with programming basics like loops, conditionals, functions, and importing libraries, and can look at examples of Python code and implement them,” said Dr. Shulman. “We do not assume they are familiar with any of Python’s packages/libraries besides the math and random libraries.”
If students have taken an introductory programming class but feel like they are out of practice, the MEng faculty have compiled a list of recommended Python tutorials that admitted students can access on the program’s orientation page.
“The website W3Schools.com has an excellent set of tutorials for Python beginners,” suggests Dr. Shulman. “Students should review the tutorials from “home” through “functions.” Beyond that, we will provide our own examples or further resources on that topic.”
For more information about UIC’s online Master of Engineering with a focus area in AI and Machine Learning application process, talk to an enrollment specialist today.
The 100% Online Master of Engineering with a focus area in AI and Machine Learning program is designed to meet the career aspirations of talented, highly qualified students who want to build on their knowledge of engineering, computer science, math or other sciences, and take their careers to the next level. Our team of instructors and advisors are dedicated to helping you achieve your professional and personal goals.